Who We Are

who we are

WERK is a Professional Association of researchers in education and social science. Though the seeds were sown earlier in 1993, the name WERK was formally adopted in 1995/96 and registered in 2000. It does not discriminate on grounds of race, ethnicity, religion gender or nationality. However, prospective members have to demonstrate commitment to the goals of WERK.

Our Vision

A society that values the centrality of knowledge for the creation of a humane, equitable and prosperous society.

Our Mission

The Mission of WERK is to contribute to knowledge generation and utilization through linking research to policy and action.

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Core Values

Our work is guided by the following core values:
1.Equity: Fairness and justice in access to opportunities..
2. Inclusivity: Promoting the value of diversity in terms of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and nondiscrimination on the basis of socio-economic status; sensory and physical ability.

3. Integrity: Upholding values of truth, honesty, honor, ethical conduct and accountability.
4. Excellence: Striving for rigor and professionalism in research and all our activities.

5. Learning: Mentoring and nurturing researchers especially women


  • Qualitative and quantitative research
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Carrying out national learning assessments
  • Documentation and production of IEC materials
  • Capacity building through trainings
  • Networking and Advocacy campaigns.
  • Educational Programs
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Conduct educational and social science research; develop the capacity of young researchers especially women; re-activate local community knowledge through utilizing community capacities and resources in knowledge generation and share knowledge with the public and other actors at all levels.



Carry out evidence-based advocacy and action locally and globally through networking with individuals, communities, government and other institutions; develop evidence-based strategies to address issues likely to affect development and empowerment of women and girls, men and boys and articulate WERK’s position on key strategic and national issues that touch on its vision and mission.

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Pursue continued self-improvement and nurture a learning culture through fostering a community of practice in research and advocacy;  forging linkages with like-minded persons and institutions; Inspiring change agents in pursuit of WERK’s vision and reflection on and documenting experiences for the betterment of practice.

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